Celina Pereira

"Teaching: Educating Young Minds and Hearts"



  • Critical Thinking
    • Although I have developed critical thinking skills throughout my courses this semester, my practicum placements have allowed me to demonstrate my skills in various ways. I have developed these skills by adapting to new school environments every three weeks and working with new students and teachers. Throughout this process, I had to adapt to varying situations, complexities, and challenges. Further, I worked with students in groups and individuals in which I had to evaluate which teaching style would be beneficial towards their learning. 
  • Communication
    • It is evident that communication is the essence of teaching. My communication skills have been developed throughout my courses through questions, discussions, and active listening. My courses consisted of valuable discussions amongst my classmates and instructors which allowed us to exchange ideas, perspectives, and thoughts. All classrooms and classmates were safe for questions to be asked which resulted in meaningful teaching and learning moments. My communication skills were demonstrated the most through engagement, participation, and representation. 
  • Intercultural Awareness
    • Intercultural awareness is essential for educators to develop as it allows for increased awareness that many perceptions and cultural values are present within the class and all physical spaces. Further, intercultural awareness must be catered to in order to foster an understanding between the similarities and differences in cultures. I have developed this from taking a variety of different courses that have focused specifically on the cultural values of different groups of people. In addition, I have also gained experience with multiculturalism through my peers and students from my practicum experiences as everyone has demonstrated a unique self-identity shaped by their own cultures.
  • Social Justice
    • Social justice has been demonstrated through discussions of real-world problems within my courses, specifically, EDUC 346: Aboriginal and Indigenous Education. Within this course, we discussed the social conditions of Indigenous people and the real solutions that are needed to solve these conditions effectively. Discussions also included the ways in which we can integrate equity and social justice for Indigenous people through education. These discussions were exhibited through collaborations, visioning projects, and presentations. As such, I had the opportunity to do a presentation on school transition programs for Indigenous students. Within this project, I observed the significant inequalities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students across British Columbia and the significant gaps between graduation rates. The presentation also included discussions on self-reflection and recognition of what needs to change to authentically help Indigenous students succeed. 
  • Information & Digital Literacy
    • Earlier this semester, my cohort participated in a presentation from Dr. Kitchenham on Assistive Technology. The presentation enlightened me on various technological platforms that are beneficial for exceptional students and improving cognitive skills and capacities. The presentation also included various resources for inclusive education as they are adaptable to all the different needs of students. This presentation was informative as we learned about various resources that are used within education as alternative ways to communicate. 
  • Collaboration & Teamwork
    • Collaboration and teamwork have been demonstrated throughout this semester’s courses varying from discussions, presentations, and projects. I believe collaboration and teamwork are essential elements for expanding our knowledge and understanding of education. As such, in EDUC 336: Inclusive Education course, I had the opportunity to collaborate with two fellow classmates and present a lesson plan on Grade 6 core French. In my EDUC 346: Aboriginal and Indigenous Education course, I presented a chapter from the assigned textbook with a fellow classmate and discussed school transition programs for Indigenous students. Lastly, I presented a lesson plan on grade 1 physical education (yoga) within my EDUC 394: Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Teaching course with two other classmates. Within these presentations, we included all of our different teaching styles, techniques, and perspectives. I believe collaboration and teamwork are vital to endure throughout this program because it improves our communication skills and allow us to learn from one another. Furthermore, collaborating with my classmates has allowed me to enhance my social and interpersonal skills while actively listening to different perspectives. 

© 2024 Celina Pereira

Theme by Anders Norén